The summer slam is upon us and with limited time and competing priorities, leaders often find themselves wondering how to select the most important topics to focus on when planning for a new year. In an effort to curate a few resources that align with the VDOE’s Special Education Roadmap and TTAC’s overall mission, we offer you a few possibilities for your summer reading list.

— David Barry
- High-Leverage Practices for Students with Disabilities-Revised and Updated
- Specially Designed Instruction: Increasing Success for Students with Disabilities (Beninghof, 2021)
- Don’t have time to read the book? Check out the 3 part-recorded webinar series available on TTAC Online
- Co-Teach! Building and Sustaining Effective Classroom Partnerships in Inclusive Schools, Third Edition (Friend, 2018)
- Great Instruction Great Achievement: A Roadmap for Special Education Administrators, 2nd Edition (O’Connor, 2021)