During the summer, learn more about literacy instruction through the following professional development opportunities. Each of the modules indicated are free and can be accessed at your convenience, making it easy to complete at your own pace while providing a great way to learn more about topics that interest you.
Date: Ongoing\Credit Offered: PD Hours
EduPaths courses are designed to expand understanding on a wide variety of topics, including instruction and curriculum, and help educators share best practices. Courses are self-paced and intended to help educators personalize their own learning plan anytime and anywhere. EduPaths courses were originally created for teachers in Michigan, but are now available nationwide.
Date: Ongoing\Credit Offered: PD Hours
Literacy Essentials: Essential Instructional Practices in Early Literacy, K-3 modules cover six research-supported instructional practices that can have a positive impact on literacy development. The use of these practices in every classroom, every day could make a measurable positive difference in literacy achievement.
Date: Ongoing\Credit Offered: PD Hours
The Center for Early Literacy Learning provides self-guided learning modules for early childhood practitioners and other caregivers of children, birth to five years of age, with identified disabilities, developmental delays, and those at-risk for poor outcomes.