As the school year begins and we consider how to contribute to students’ success, this issue of the T-TAC Network News provides a reminder that relationships matter. Build positive and supportive relationships from the start of this school year with the following six resources.
- Read more about the research linking positive relationships with student achievement in the article Teacher Student Relationships and Engagement: Conceptualizing, Measuring, and Improving the Capacity of Classroom Interactions. This article appeared in the Handbook of Research on Student Engagement.
- Positive relationships between students and teachers impacts student engagement and behavior. The article, Build Strong Relationships & Establish Trust with Students, offers ideas for building relationships and establishing trust with students.
- Four Steps for Building Strong Partnerships with Families is an online module from the IRIS Center on collaborating with families that features four key steps to building stronger partnerships with families. The module provides concrete examples and steps to build relationships, increase family engagement, and acknowledge the strengths of all families. Additionally, the module provides resources and considerations for working with the families of students with disabilities.
- The Teaching Channel compiled a video playlist, 6 Ways to Build Relationships with Students, that offers tips to help build authentic relationships with your students and define your positive classroom culture.
- Making and building sustainable relationships is something that many people take for granted, but is an extreme challenge for our students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). It is essential for teachers to know how to teach the necessary social skills so that students with ASD can develop positive relationships. The webcast, Assist Students on the Autism Spectrum to Build Social Relationships, offers participants an opportunity to understand the social domain of Autism Spectrum Disorder and provides an overview of Evidence-Based Practices for teaching and increasing social skills.