The five goals for students that are addressed by the mathematics standards are: becoming mathematical problem solvers; communicating mathematically; reasoning mathematically; making mathematical connections; and using mathematical representations to model and interpret practical situations.
In February 2009, the Virginia Board of Education adopted revised Mathematics Standards of Learning (SOL). The five goals for students that are addressed by the mathematics standards are: becoming mathematical problem solvers; communicating mathematically; reasoning mathematically; making mathematical connections; and using mathematical representations to model and interpret practical situations.
To accompany and align with the revised Math SOL, a curriculum framework document has also been recently developed and was adopted by the Virginia Board of Education on October 22, 2009.
School divisions are expected to begin implementation of the 2009 Mathematics Standards of Learning by September 2010 and to fully implement the 2009 Math- ematics Standards of Learning in the 2011-2012 academic year. In spring 2012, all items on the Mathematics Standards of Learning assessments will be based on the revised 2009 Mathematics Standards of Learning. Also, beginning in spring 2012, the grade-3 mathematics test will no longer be a cumulative test covering the SOL for grades K-3. Instead, the grade-3 mathematics test will cover the grade-3 SOL only.
Mathematics Vocabulary Card Resources
K-5 Mathematics Module: Number and Number Sense
Virginia Department of Education (2009). Superintendent’s Memorandum Informational Number 317-09.
Virginia Department of Education (2009). Mathematics Standards of Learning for Virginia’s Public Schools. Retrieved Jan. 20, 2009.