Hi there, I’m Danielle Sentz!

If you’ve found yourself reading this article, you are in the right place for useful resources on supporting our young children in any educational environment. As the newest member of our Early Childhood Education Specialist Trio at ODU’s Training and Technical Assistance Center, I am excited to start making these meaningful connections. Coming from the field of Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) myself, I had no idea how many resources TTAC provides, and it’s all so easy to access! My hope is that I can bring my field experience to your classroom (or any environment!) by connecting you to resources that are worth your time.
What I Strive to Accomplish at TTAC ODU
- Spread awareness for the importance of Early Childhood Education in ANY environment.
- Promote inclusive practices by empowering practitioners to stand up for what they believe in.
- Connect practitioners with meaningful resources that are worth your time.
- Assist with interpreting the amazing work out there and how it can be applied to working with all young children.
Resources I Wish I Had as an ECSE Practitioner
Here you will find materials that I have come across with my new found knowledge of the world of TTAC.

Writing Meaningful IEPs
Explore this FREE self guided course to enhance your practices and IEP development.

Ultimate Behavior Tool Kit-What works
Watch this series of short videos at the beginning of the school year as they relate to your specific professional goals/needs.

Co-Teaching in Preschool Lesson Plan Pack
Intentionally plan for co-teaching arrangements, differentiation, evidence-based practices, positive behavior supports, and more!

Improving Early Childhood Inclusion: A Month-by-Month Action Plan for ECSE Leaders
Share this article with practitioners and site leaders to improve inclusive practices.

Assistance Request
Submit a request for technical assistance from TTAC ODU at any time.

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