Recent Articles
Looking for a Few Good Books?
Welcome to March and National Reading Month! Participating in literacy and reading activities is an important part of life. Through reading we learn academic content as well as having access to the joy of leisure reading. One strategy to improve reading skills is to increase reading enjoyable texts (Brozo & Flynt, 2008). To help educators… Read More Looking for a Few Good Books?
Tis the Season for Gift Giving – Assistive Technology Style
We are in the season for giving and receiving gifts. Toys and games are on many holiday lists. Selecting gifts with Assistive Technology supports can help children be more engaged and play independently. Sometimes just a large knob, velcro, or audio support can make all the difference. Finding and acquiring toys and games which are… Read More Tis the Season for Gift Giving – Assistive Technology Style
Can You Make the Connections?
The beginning of the school year may have you wondering how to connect academic subjects and/or VESOLs to make learning engaging for your students. Thematic Instruction is a teaching strategy which organizes curriculum and instruction around a central theme. It allows students to engage in high interest topics while learning academic and communication skills. Students… Read More Can You Make the Connections?
Reading For All Students
To get youth interested in reading we need to help them see that reading is fun. Here are a few suggestions to encourage reading in students of all ages and ability levels this summer. Read Aloud America (Summer Reading Program – Read Aloud America). Download a 5-week program full of reading suggestions and activities. Get… Read More Reading For All Students
Symbolated Text. Does it make learning to read easier or harder?
Symbolated or picture-supported text is a strategy that some educators use with the intent of making text comprehension easier for their students. The idea behind symbolated or picture-supported text is that connecting symbols to text can help students better understand text. It involves adding a picture or corresponding symbol above or below each word in… Read More Symbolated Text. Does it make learning to read easier or harder?
What is AT?
What is Assistive Technology?
Assistive technology (AT) includes adaptive and rehabilitative devices for people with disabilities. It also includes the services that help the individual learn and use the AT that helps them. AT can help students participate in educational activities that they might not be able to otherwise, due to physical limitations or learning differences.
Assistive Technology, At a Glance from
Closing the Gap explains What is Assistive Technology(AT)?
The Assistive Technology Tools in Schools Booklet is a guide designed to support professionals and families in understanding assistive technology (AT) and identifying possible AT tools for students from preschool through high school. Obtain your free copy in English or Spanish here.
The Assistive Technology Network of Virginia supports school divisions in their efforts to increase access to the general education curriculum for students with disabilities through the use of assistive technology. The Network supports the accommodations and modifications that are necessary for students with disabilities to master curricular objectives and to participate in statewide assessments.
Online Learning
Professional Development Opportunities
Virginia Resources:
- The VA Department of Education sends out updates regarding resources and upcoming opportunities. Sign up to receive yours here.
- Assistive Technology Network of Virginia
- TTAC Online
- VA Professional Development Networks
National Resources:
- AbleNet University
- Assistive Technology 101
- Assistive Technology for Infants and Toddlers
- National Center on Accessible Educational Materials
- Perkins E-Learning
- Writing with Alternative Pencils
Professional Development Organizations
These organizations offer conferences and webinars. Look for offerings of free webinars!
Supporting AAC
AAC and Communication
- Supporting communication:
- What is AAC?
- Project Core
- PrAACtical AAC
- Free communication boards for individuals of all ages. Bilingual boards and ideas for the communication partner included.