It is never too early to begin preparing youth for their next stage in life, whether it be the workforce, trade school, college studies, or other community-based options. We are pleased to share the following resources and professional learning opportunities to support transition planning for your students.
T-TAC ODU Lending Library
Our free lending library has some new transition-related texts available for check out. Visit for these and many more resources.

Demystifying Transition Assessment
Assessment is the cornerstone of every good transition plan. Now there’s a book that demystifies the what, when, why, and how of collecting transition assessment data—and using the results to help students with disabilities prepare for adulthood. Developed by two respected transition authorities, this practical guide prepares education professionals to use today’s best assessment tools and strategies to identify which transition approaches really work.

Essentials of Transition Planning
For young people with disabilities, crossing the bridge to adulthood will be empowering instead of intimidating—when their support teams know the essentials of effective transition planning. Now all the fundamentals of well-crafted transition plans are collected in one concise quick-guide, straight from one of the top authorities on helping young people live fulfilling adult lives. The keystone of an innovative new series of practical transition guides, this down-to-earth guidebook is a must for educators, service providers, and all others navigating the complex process of transition planning. With their clear research-based guidance, vivid examples, and ready-to-use checklists and tools.
The Zarrow Center Summer Institute
The University of Oklahoma’s Zarrow Institute on Transition and Self-Determination is offering a wonderful professional learning opportunity this summer. The virtual event is offering the following topics:
- June 7: Facilitating Post-Secondary Goal Exploration
- June 14: Literacy Skills Needed for Post-Secondary Education & Employment
- June 21: Engaging Students and their Families in Educational Decision Making
- June 28: Strengths-Based Transition Planning
- July 12: Peer Mentoring/Support & Programming
- July 19: Self-Determination Strategy Development
- July 26: Advocating for Special Education Students in Secondary Education
- August 2: Sex Education & Healthy Relationships for Students with Disabilities
The cost is $30 for a single session or $180 for all sessions. Attendees will receive a certificate of completion for the session(s) they attend. BCBA CEUs will be available upon request.
**Use the code ZIFRIENDS to receive $10 off a full registration.
VCU Center on Transition Innovations
The Center on Transition Innovations (CTI) at Virginia Commonwealth University provides evidence-based resources and information along with emerging practices in the field. The results of research studies and demonstration projects conducted here in Virginia help shape the ongoing work of CTI.
Online resources include:
- Free online courses for Virginia’s middle and high school special educators
- Fact sheets on pertinent transition topics
- Webcasts from state and national experts in the field
- Emerging and evidence-based practices
- Facebook page with the latest news about transition
- Informational videos
Visit the CTI site for access to a range of publications and other resources.