This webinar provides an introduction to the characteristics of autism spectrum disorder, discusses learner variability, and provides classroom strategies to address the needs of students of all abilities and disabilities, including ASD.
The webinar is approximately 1 hour long. You will need a copy of the notetaker below to follow along with activities included in the webinar. You do not have to watch the video all in one sitting; as you may return to this page at anytime and fast forward to the spot in the video where you left off. The Reflection and Action Planning Activity should take approximately 15-30 minutes.
Upon completion of the final survey, you will be able to download your certificate of completion for 1.5 hours of professional development. Please follow guidelines from your school division regarding the documentation they require from you upon completion of this webinar.
- This notetaker contains details on much of the information covered as well as the activities required for this webinar. Please download and print it prior to watching the webinar.
- Be sure to complete the reflection and action planning document upon completion of the webinar.
Related Resources
- OTR Tip Sheet from the Tennessee Behavior Supports Project
- IRIS Center Classroom Arrangement Document
Final Survey
Complete this survey to receive your certificate of completion. The link to download your certificate is in the “Thank You” message of the survey, so be sure to copy and paste it before closing out that screen.
If you should encounter any difficulties accessing the webinar or materials, please contact Teresa Crowson at .
Be sure to check out additional resources on the rest of the T-TAC ODU website.