The TTAC ODU Lending Library has a collection of books and educational materials that educators and parents can borrow to learn more about specific educational topics and strategies. Educators can borrow assessments and assistive technology devices to trial the item with their student(s). Most items in the library can be borrowed for 30 days and then should be returned to the library.
Preparing for the new VAAP
The new VAAP provides an opportunity for students and their educators to work on communication skills. For students who do not communicate verbally, communication devices can help fill the gap for sharing information. The new VAAP has questions with a three item answer format. Communication devices with three options can prepare students to participate in the new VAAP.
New communication devices recently added to the Library include:

Talking Brix
Talking Brix, by Ablenet, Inc. come in a set of three individual voice output devices. This allows each of the devices to be placed in the best location or layout for the student.

Talkable 3
The Talkable 3, by Enabling Devices, also holds three separate options for voice output but on a connected base. Students can select the option of their choice with this device. It can be used with switches.

iTalk 4
The iTalk 4, by Ablenet, Inc. provides 4 options for voice output. Switches can be attached. This 4-option format can be a great opportunity for some students who are learning how to respond to questions. Putting “I don’t know” or “ask me again” may be a great option for the student who is hesitant to answer questions. Fade the “I don’t know” response when the student is comfortable with answering questions.

The PicSeePal is a low-tech visual communication system that can hold light-tech (manual) communication boards. With plastic sleeves or PicSeeSnaps, this device can be used in locations where other communication devices would not dare go. Bathrooms, in the rain, at the playground, hiking, etc. are locations that the PicSeePal can be used without worry, as the plastic sleeves will keep your manual boards dry.
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and communication devices are a category of assistive technology. Listed above are just a sampling of the AAC devices available to borrow from the Lending Library. Request a Library account to borrow devices to let your students trial devices, to learn how to use AAC, and before considering purchasing one. Search AAC to find the 100+ assessments, books, and devices in our library.