With IEP season also comes the opportunity to revisit COS forms, including completing Time 2 data for those students transitioning to kindergarten or exiting special education.
As teams summarize information on student progress to include on the COS form, it is helpful to remember:
-Each outcome should reflect a student’s level of functioning across areas and situations. If you’re unsure what information to report under each outcome, click for crosswalks to common assessment tools and a list of guiding questions organized by outcome statement.
-The team completing the COS form should include at least 2-3 people familiar with the student, including the family. Click for resources and materials to assist in talking with families about the COS process.
-When determining a rating (1-7) it may be helpful for teams to review the rating definitions and the decision tree for summary ratings.
Additionally, the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center has developed several self-directed learning modules on various child outcomes topics.