The responsibility to ensure that young children with disabilities are included in high-quality early childhood programs begins with the Individualized Education Program (IEP) team.
Improving inclusive programming for 2–5-year-olds can often feel overwhelming. High-quality inclusive classrooms require commitment from individuals at every level of the system. Teachers and support staff apply classroom-based practices to support inclusive settings, while administrators collaborate with teams and families to build the necessary infrastructure to sustain the program. With so many components involved in supporting children with IEPs in early childhood classrooms, it can be difficult to know where to begin.
The responsibility to ensure that young children with disabilities are included in high-quality early childhood programs begins with the Individualized Education Program (IEP) team. When determining placement at IEP meetings, the discussion is not a simple one. Many myths currently exist about children with disabilities and inclusion in general. Parents may feel vulnerable in meetings because they are new to the IEP process. As a result, placement discussions are often muddled with limiting beliefs and attitudes about children with disabilities.
To guide placement discussions at IEP meetings, consider using these five guiding questions adapted from the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA) Guiding Questions for Discussing Services in the LRE (2024):
- For children already attending an early childhood program, how is the child doing in the current program? Does the family want the child to remain in the current program?
- When considering initial placements, what aids and supports would the child need to be successful?
- How can the IEP be implemented in the regular early childhood program with needed aids and supports?
- What regular early childhood programs are available in the school district and community? VPI and Headstart programs aim to enroll 10% of children with IEPs in their programs.
- How can collaboration and specialized instruction be supported for the child in the regular early childhood program?
Looking for more IEP support? Enroll in our self-paced online module, A Framework and Formula for Writing Meaningful IEPs in Preschool.
TASH. (2014). Dispelling the myths of inclusive education: Washington, D.C.

Our early childhood team is excited to announce our new EC TRIO (Early Childhood Tools, Resources, Information, and Offerings) updates beginning in January 2025! This short, periodic email will include quick links for staff on current hot topics in the field, hand-picked exclusively for our regional needs by Danielle, Erin, and Lisa. Encourage your colleagues to subscribe to our TTAC ODU Early Childhood mailing list to take advantage of this resource.

See your ODU EC Specialists present at VAAEYC in April. Our session topics include Language Modeling for Children with IEPs, Systemic Improvements Supporting Inclusive Preschool Programs, and Self-Determination During Play. For more information about registration visit this link.

SAVE THE DATE for the 2025 International Early Childhood Inclusion Institute May 13-15th in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Register for our TTAC ODU Early Childhood mailing list to find out in January how you could win a free registration!