“Comprehension is a process in which the reader constructs meaning by interacting with text” (Harris & Hodges, 1995, p. 207). Comprehension is purposeful, active, and can be developed by teaching specific comprehension strategies. When comprehension strategies are taught explicitly, students’ reading improves. Research “Comprehension is a process in which the reader constructs meaning by… Read More Structured Comprehension Strategies for Improved Reading Achievement
Inquiring Kids Want to Read About Science
When students have had concrete experiences about science concepts, they are better able to tackle science text with success (Olson & Mokhtari, 2010).” Meaningful background knowledge, provided by concrete science inquiries, enhances a student’s text comprehension. Effective science text comprehension requires more than reading skills and the use of various strategies. Meaningful background knowledge,… Read More Inquiring Kids Want to Read About Science
M3 Making Mathematics Meaningful
Learners acquire and store knowledge in two primary ways: linguistically (reading or hearing), and nonlinguistically (i.e. visual imagery, kinesthetic or whole-body modes). The more students use both systems of representing knowledge, the better they are able to think about and recall what they have learned. Learners acquire and store knowledge in two primary ways: linguistically… Read More M3 Making Mathematics Meaningful
Our Students, Our Classroom, Our Responsibility
Gately and Gately (2001) identify three stages in the co-teaching relationship: The Beginning Stage, The Compromising Stage, and The Collaborative Stage. Co-teachers can expect to experience these stages as they take on the challenge of delivering instruction to their students as a team. Co-teaching is a developmental process and has stages: the beginning stage,… Read More Our Students, Our Classroom, Our Responsibility
Assessment: The GPS of Effective Teaching
Teachers can use effective assessment strategies as a teaching GPS, or “global positioning system,” by finding out where students are located on the learning path. In this way, teachers promote instead of merely judge or grade student success. Teachers can use effective assessment strategies as a teaching GPS, or “global positioning system,” by finding… Read More Assessment: The GPS of Effective Teaching
Dear Teacher, Please Help Me Learn to Write!!
Students can be assisted in the writing process by the use of strategy instruction. A strategy is merely a tool used to complete a task. Cognitive Strategy Instruction is an evidence–based technique with research that supports its effectiveness. Writing development “While students are building the skills they need to advance through the stages of… Read More Dear Teacher, Please Help Me Learn to Write!!