As special educators across Virginia aim to meet the diverse needs of students, the intersection of high-leverage practices (HLPs) and legislative requirements is more important than ever. One critical alignment that stands out is High-Leverage Practice #1 – Collaboration, and its synergy with the Virginia Literacy Act (VLA). This intersection can offer educators a framework… Read More Mapping HLP #1 to VLA
VLA Walkthrough Look-Fors: There’s an HLP for That!
Beyond utilization of high-quality instructional materials, effective teaching strategies are essential for fostering student success. The purpose of the Virginia Literacy Act’s Literacy Walkthrough Tool is to support administrators, teachers, and reading specialists in the implementation of evidence-based literacy instruction to improve student learning. When aligned with Ceedar Center’s High Leverage Practices (HLPs), it is… Read More VLA Walkthrough Look-Fors: There’s an HLP for That!
All Means ALL: The Virginia Literacy Act and Teaching Students with Complex Needs
Embracing a Holistic Approach The Virginia Literacy Act ensures every student in kindergarten to grade five will receive core literacy instruction based in scientifically based reading research and evidence-based literacy instruction and, every teacher will use evidence-based literacy curriculum, use student-level data to inform instruction and intervention, and participate in training on evidence-based literacy instruction…. Read More All Means ALL: The Virginia Literacy Act and Teaching Students with Complex Needs
Personalize Your Literacy Learning
Are you wondering how you can get a running start this summer on your personal professional learning as we are all gearing up for the official launch of the Virginia Literacy Act? Even though we know professional development is already built into division plans in relation to evidence-based literacy instruction and utilizing high quality instructional… Read More Personalize Your Literacy Learning
What Does Your VLA Readiness Look Like?
Whether you are a literacy leader in your school division, or an educator who works directly with students, have you had a chance to pause and really reflect upon on how the Virginia Literacy Act is meant to impact not only students to become more proficient readers, but also how the initiative can support you?… Read More What Does Your VLA Readiness Look Like?
Testing vs. Teaching Questions
Reading a book with your class should be an engaging and immersive experience. One storybook strategy we often draw attention to is questioning, since it is something that should occur before, during and after reading activities. Traditional questions are often aimed at retrieval of information from a text, whereas the focus of querying is to… Read More Testing vs. Teaching Questions
VALUE Series by the Virginia Literacy Partnerships
If you haven’t visited the VALUE Series sinces its launch in April 2022, it is time to go back and check out the latest additions! Afterall, “VALUE” stands for Virginia Assessment for Literacy – Updated and Expanded. The Virginia Literacy Partnerships aims to continue that promise to update and expand a comprehensive collection of literacy… Read More VALUE Series by the Virginia Literacy Partnerships