A differentiated, small-group, word study program provides students with the foundation for establishing important reading skills. Every group of students receives quality instruction matched to their reading stage, and instruction can be paced to accommodate the needs of beginning and struggling readers. Assessment is ongoing, and directly linked to instruction, so you can track students’… Read More Word Workers In The Reading Classroom: Word Study That Supports Differentiated Literacy Instruction
Read Aloud, Think Aloud and Write Aloud to Build Confident and Independent Writers
To make writing instruction meaningful, students need explicit instruction that presents them with writing models and teaches them skills within a community of writers. By using an “ I do , We do , You do ” approach, shift responsibility to students and help them develop the skills and confidence to write for real purposes…. Read More Read Aloud, Think Aloud and Write Aloud to Build Confident and Independent Writers
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Thoughts: Using Visual Imagery that Improves Working Memory
“Unless new information makes meaningful connections, it remains in working memory for about 20 seconds and is then discarded (Watson & Gable, 2011).” Because visual imagery can improve memory, it can help students make those connections. Visual images can help students make sense of math problems, remember fictional text, and comprehend a reading passage. Research… Read More A Picture is Worth a Thousand Thoughts: Using Visual Imagery that Improves Working Memory
Invitation to Read: A Classroom that Supports Reading for Every Student
Create an inviting, literacy rich, and motivating classroom that supports reading, while students actively engage with text, peers, and others. Engineer your classroom as an environment where students are enticed to learn to read, discuss their reading, and consequently, become motivated by their own reading successes. Research To improve reading skills, students must read. Students… Read More Invitation to Read: A Classroom that Supports Reading for Every Student
Teaching Students to Be Strategic Readers
Good readers are able to effectively coordinate their interaction with text by selecting and integrating reading strategies to use before, during and after reading. Torgeson (2006) emphasizes that struggling readers will need explicit strategy instruction that teaches them to use a repertoire of active comprehension strategies, including prediction, analyzing stories with respect to story grammar… Read More Teaching Students to Be Strategic Readers
Structured Comprehension Strategies for Improved Reading Achievement
“Comprehension is a process in which the reader constructs meaning by interacting with text” (Harris & Hodges, 1995, p. 207). Comprehension is purposeful, active, and can be developed by teaching specific comprehension strategies. When comprehension strategies are taught explicitly, students’ reading improves. Research “Comprehension is a process in which the reader constructs meaning by… Read More Structured Comprehension Strategies for Improved Reading Achievement
Inquiring Kids Want to Read About Science
When students have had concrete experiences about science concepts, they are better able to tackle science text with success (Olson & Mokhtari, 2010).” Meaningful background knowledge, provided by concrete science inquiries, enhances a student’s text comprehension. Effective science text comprehension requires more than reading skills and the use of various strategies. Meaningful background knowledge,… Read More Inquiring Kids Want to Read About Science