Before a student can become a successful writer, we must first find his ideal pencil. Many teachers make the assumption that a student without the physical ability to hold and manipulate a writing utensil is not ready for writing instruction. Many students are able to use a writing utensil such as a pencil, pen, crayon,… Read More Writing Opportunities: Finding Your Student’s Pencil
Let’s Get Published!
When students know that their writing matters, they are more likely to produce better writing samples. Perhaps the best way to let students know that their writing is important is to have them publish! Publishing can be a class experience that creates excitement and can build confidence in writers. Confident writers will want to write… Read More Let’s Get Published!
Reading Aloud Is Allowed
Having daily opportunities to listen to an adult read aloud increases students’ own comprehension and fluency. This is especially important for students with intellectual disabilities. Here are some examples of how reading aloud can blend with and support some of the other five elements of literacy instruction. Research Does reading aloud to your class… Read More Reading Aloud Is Allowed
Write On! Writing Instruction Strategies for Students with Intellectual Disabilities
The benefits of writing instruction for students with intellectual disabilities are numerous. Consider the following suggestions for writing instruction. Each will encourage students to write. None of these tips require students to use a pencil, use immaculate grammar, or perfectly spell. Research The benefits of writing instruction for students with intellectual disabilities are numerous…. Read More Write On! Writing Instruction Strategies for Students with Intellectual Disabilities
Literacy Instruction Strategies for Students with Intellectual Disabilities
Current research demonstrates the potential for reading ability in all students, including those with intellectual disabilities (ID). Consequently, teachers of students with ID should provide instruction that is comprehensive, and not limited to sight word memorization (Allor, Mathes, Jones, Champlin, & Cheatham, 2010). Research Much of the research on reading instruction for students with… Read More Literacy Instruction Strategies for Students with Intellectual Disabilities
Publishing: A Great Way to Make Writing Exciting
ALL student writing can proceed through these steps that lead to a published product. This includes the works of students who scribble, use alternative pencils, or dictate their work to a scribe. Here are a few ideas for fun, and to reinforce publishing. Research The writing process features a number of steps beginning with… Read More Publishing: A Great Way to Make Writing Exciting
Let’s Take A Break
Here are a few tips to keep in mind when planning and using brain breaks. MOVE: Students should be encouraged to stand up and move about the classroom during brain breaks. The physical aspect is extremely important. Research We have all seen it happen. After being on-task for a lengthy period of time, students’ attention… Read More Let’s Take A Break