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Multisensory Instruction + Free VESOL Lesson Plans
Have you ever smelled something that instantly took you back to another time or place? Perhaps you have tasted a particular food, felt a texture, or heard a song that brought back distant, but powerful memories. If one particular sense can bring back such memories, imagine the impact of multisensory instruction! In this post, we… Read More Multisensory Instruction + Free VESOL Lesson Plans
Free VESOL Resources
The Virginia Essentialized Standards of Learning (VESOL) are fairly new, so it can be tricky to find great resources. Since searching the internet for ideas can be time consuming, we are pleased to serve up this batch of links and ideas. Enjoy! VESOL Lesson Plans for T-TAC ODU In the spring of 2023, T-TAC ODU hired… Read More Free VESOL Resources
Increase Engagement by Giving Students More Choices
In the spirit of inclusive practices, let’s consider an instructional strategy that not only works well for students with intellectual disabilities, but for all learners. The school day is full of opportunities for students to make meaningful choices. We can give our students options for how to get new information or ways to demonstrate what has… Read More Increase Engagement by Giving Students More Choices
Strategies for Writing Quality IEP Goals
Drafting an individualized education program (IEP) is one of many duties with which special educators are tasked. It is important that the IEP process remains individualized to each student. It may be helpful to view an IEP as more than a document or an annual meeting, but rather an opportunity for the team of stakeholders to… Read More Strategies for Writing Quality IEP Goals
Try These VESOL Lesson Plans that Promote Cross-Content Instruction
If you use the Virginia Essentialized Standards of Learning (VESOL) in your daily instruction, then it is likely that you are tasked with teaching multiple content areas to your class. Perhaps you are responsible for teaching Reading, Writing, Math, Science, and Social Studies to your students. Maybe you are part of a teaching team, where… Read More Try These VESOL Lesson Plans that Promote Cross-Content Instruction
Online Learning
Online Learning
As follows are some online learning opportunities that you can enjoy from the comfort of your home.
The Center for Literacy and Disability Studies conducts research related to literacy instruction for students with significant disabilities. They have offered access to the handouts and presentation materials from several of their national presentations.
Free literacy webinars are being offered by Don Johnston Inc. You can choose from live webinars and archived webinars that were previously recorded.
The Teaching the Write Way TACtic is an instructional unit for teachers of students with intellectual disabilities. This unit gives a thorough description of the developmental Stages of Writing and how students progress through each. You will also learn about the writing process and how to incorporate it into your instruction. This TACtic features popular ASOL-based writing lessons that are successfully being implemented in local schools. An Activity CD full of resources is included with this unit.
Providing online instruction is now a very important skill for teachers. The Bob Pike Group is offering free webinars on a variety of topics that can help make online learning engaging and interactive.
I'm Determined
I’m Determined
The I’M DETERMINED Project is all about helping students learn self-determination skills. Browse the site to learn about many great resources. You will find tools such as the One Pager and Good Day Plan, which help students take an active role in goal planning, the IEP process, transitioning, and behavior planning. Best of all, you will find templates for the tools, authentic student examples, and videos of teachers & students using these tools.
Below are some excellent resources for teachers and parents of children with intellectual disabilities. You will find a collection of documents that will support your lesson planning, videos that may challenge your mindset, and materials that will engage your students. Each resource addresses, in some way, a belief that all students can learn academic content. Enjoy!
Symbols and Learning to Read– I encourage you to check out Dr. Caroline Musselwhite’s discussion of the effect that symbolation has on learning to read.
Do 2 Learn offers a comprehensive list of strategies for supporting students with intellectual disabilities in a number of areas including academics, socialization, communication, daily living, and behavior.
Daily Activities for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities
Professionals in Arkansas developed an extensive resource document for teachers and parents to use together in order to create individualized daily/weekly lessons for students with significant cognitive disabilities (K-12).
T-TAC Online is full of ASOL-based lesson plans and curriculum resources to support academic instruction (lesson plans) and skills assessment for students with intellectual disabilities.
Literacy Possible Writing Modules include 8 short & engaging videos that help frame what quality writing instruction might look like for students with significant disabilities. Sample activities are included!
Tar Heel Reader is a free site that offers thousands of high-interest e-books for students. All texts are switch accessible.
Writing with Alternative Pencils is a great option for students who cannot hold a writing utensil or use a keyboard.
Literacy for All shares a great overview of Predictable Chart Writing.
Carol Dweck offers an engaging video that explains the brain research behind why educators should praise effort rather than talent.
Don’t just be a teacher who writes lesson plans. Become an Educational Experience Designer. Our friend Tucker will tell you how.