“Inclusion involves a process of systemic reform embodying changes and modifications in content, teaching methods, approaches, structures and strategies in education to overcome barriers with a vision serving to provide all students of the relevant age range with an equitable and participatory learning experience and environment that best corresponds to their requirements and preferences.” (Hehir et… Read More Self-Paced Course: ASD and Inclusive Practices for All
Helping Families Build Strong Foundations for Home Learning
School and home are two very different types of settings, both in physical structure and in function, but sometimes circumstances dictate we must merge the two. How can we help families build a strong foundation of systems that will support behavior and learning at home? We can start by looking at the systems we have in place… Read More Helping Families Build Strong Foundations for Home Learning
Learning at Home: A Family’s Guide to Prompting
Prompts are necessary for ALL new learning. Whether learning at school, at home, or out in the community we all learn new skills with the use of prompts. TTAC ODU has a free downloadable guide that provides families with information on what prompts are, how to use them, and how to fade them. The guide… Read More Learning at Home: A Family’s Guide to Prompting
Home-Learning Visual Schedule
We all need structure and routine! There are times when students and families are faced with the challenge of a disrupted routine, especially when learning must occur at home for any reason. TTAC ODU has a free downloadable Home-Learning Visual Schedule Example that includes 20 symbols that can be used during home learning, two schedule… Read More Home-Learning Visual Schedule
“Learning at Home” Video Social Story
When schools are closed for any reason, it can be difficult for students to understand why they are not going to school and that they must do school work from home. This video social story explains what learning may look like in the home. Students can watch it as many times as needed! This video… Read More “Learning at Home” Video Social Story
Virtual Learning for Students with Significant Disabilities
We’ve heard that teachers will need to develop virtual learning activities! Our specialists have developed a list of resources that we hope can help you. Looking for leveled reading? Try these free resources for teachers: Epic! Newsela Are you using Tar Heel Reader? Need a tip for how to share selected books with your students? Create… Read More Virtual Learning for Students with Significant Disabilities
Prompts and Prompt Fading for Building Independence
Think of a skill someone recently taught you. Maybe you learned how to use a new online IEP system, learned how to use your new phone, learned how to ski, or learned how to sew. Did the person teaching you model some steps? Give you pictures or diagrams? Provide supplemental verbal hints? Point to things… Read More Prompts and Prompt Fading for Building Independence