As special educators across Virginia aim to meet the diverse needs of students, the intersection of high-leverage practices (HLPs) and legislative requirements is more important than ever. One critical alignment that stands out is High-Leverage Practice #1 – Collaboration, and its synergy with the Virginia Literacy Act (VLA). This intersection can offer educators a framework… Read More Mapping HLP #1 to VLA
Transforming Classroom Challenges into Opportunities for Growth
There are few careers that have a bigger impact than teaching, however, it does not come without challenges. In our recent Friday 5 blog series, we dive into five impactful approaches that address common interfering classroom behaviors. Explore strategies that encourage cooperation, promote engagement and collaboration, build relationships and a sense of belonging, and reinforce… Read More Transforming Classroom Challenges into Opportunities for Growth
November is Family Engagement in Schools Month
November is Family Engagement in Schools Month. Governor Ralph Northam has issued a proclamation outlining the importance of families as they help their children reach their full potential. He notes that “Family Involvement in Education Month is an opportunity to recognize the important relationship between families and education institutions and the work being done throughout the… Read More November is Family Engagement in Schools Month
Building Co-Teaching Relationships Together
Co-teachers can create a collaborative atmosphere and set the stage for a positive relationship by following some suggestions featured in the Virginia Department of Education publication, Stepping Stones to Success II; Collaboration: Working Together for All Students. Suggestions in the section entitled, Culture of Collaboration: What it Looks Like and How We Do It include; remain… Read More Building Co-Teaching Relationships Together
Our Students, Our Classroom, Our Responsibility
Gately and Gately (2001) identify three stages in the co-teaching relationship: The Beginning Stage, The Compromising Stage, and The Collaborative Stage. Co-teachers can expect to experience these stages as they take on the challenge of delivering instruction to their students as a team. Co-teaching is a developmental process and has stages: the beginning stage,… Read More Our Students, Our Classroom, Our Responsibility