According to a recent review of the research literature, self-monitoring is an example of a positive behavioral intervention that has been used successfully with a number of behaviors including off-task, classroom readi- ness, disruption, following directions, and academic engagement (Sheffield & Waller, 2010). Self-monitoring is defined as a two-stage process of observing and recording behavior… Read More Self-Monitoring: Helping Students Help Themselves Through Positive Behavior Supports
Using Response Cards to Reduce Disruptive Behavior
Effective classroom behavior management involves a host of strategies and supports; including what is done instructionally. Some research suggests that as much as 90% of classroom behavior problems can be eliminated through fully planned and effectively delivered instruction. Effective classroom behavior management involves a host of strategies and supports; including what is done instructionally…. Read More Using Response Cards to Reduce Disruptive Behavior
Area of Focus: Effective Schoolwide Discipline Check-in Check-out: A Secondary Intervention
Across the nation, schools are implementing a three-tiered approach to school-wide discipline similar to the diagram shown here (Simonsen, Sugai, & Negron, 2008). The focus of this article is to provide research and application resources for an evidence-based practice applicable for students at risk for developing more challenging behaviors (approximately 15% of the student population)…. Read More Area of Focus: Effective Schoolwide Discipline Check-in Check-out: A Secondary Intervention
Building a School Culture to Support Inclusive Practices
Successful inclusion of students with disabilities requires a supportive organizational structure and school culture. One strategy for building a more integrated and inclusive school culture is school-wide positive behavior support (SWPBS). Successful inclusion of students with disabilities requires a supportive organizational structure and school culture (Burstein, N., Sears, S., Wilcoxen, A., Cabello, B. and… Read More Building a School Culture to Support Inclusive Practices
PBIS: Using Data to Inform and Support, Not Punish
Consider a switch in thinking by approaching assessment data in a more supportive context. It should be used to clarify where we are, where we are going, and how we are doing getting there. Viewing data as a living system, may provide a much needed paradigm shift to what has become anxiety provoking for some… Read More PBIS: Using Data to Inform and Support, Not Punish
Instruction and Behavior: Is there a connection?
Moore, Anderson, & Kumar (2005) suggest that difficult academic tasks, such as writing, can function as an antecedent variable that may lead to escape-motivated behavior. Teachers can identify escape-motivated behavior by collecting data and looking for patterns in behavior. Writing is a very demanding and complex process that requires the incorporation of many different… Read More Instruction and Behavior: Is there a connection?
Nonlinguistic Representation: Tools for Teaching Behavioral Expectations, Rules, and Routines
Teaching behavioral expectations and contextually relevant social skills is an effective approach to addressing behaviors throughout the three-tiered prevention continuum of positive behavior support. Teaching expectations, rules, and routines, providing opportunities for practice, and acknowledging students for demonstrating these skills provides educators a way to engage with students… Teaching behavioral expectations and contextually relevant… Read More Nonlinguistic Representation: Tools for Teaching Behavioral Expectations, Rules, and Routines