On January 18, 2023, T-TAC ODU hosted The VESOL Alliance at the Newport News Marriott. This unique professional learning event offered a range of high-interest sessions and free resources to over 80 attendees from across regions 2 & 3. Our expert presenters shared VESOL-referenced lesson plans that can be used to engage learners of all ages. If you were not able… Read More Innovative Strategies for VESOL Instruction
Integrated VESOL Instruction: Creating Lessons that Address Multiple Content Areas
As we enter the second year of VESOL (Virginia Essentialized Standards of Learning) instruction, there is a better understanding of how to prepare great lessons that set our students up for success. Yet, a few questions remain. One of the most common questions coming from educators is- How do I find time to teach reading, math, AND science… Read More Integrated VESOL Instruction: Creating Lessons that Address Multiple Content Areas
Transition Resources for Educators
It is never too early to begin preparing youth for their next stage in life, whether it be the workforce, trade school, college studies, or other community-based options. We are pleased to share the following resources and professional learning opportunities to support transition planning for your students. T-TAC ODU Lending Library Our free lending library… Read More Transition Resources for Educators
Families – I’m Determined Project
The Virginia Department of Education’s I’m Determined Project offers a wealth of resources for family members of youth with disabilities. You will find informational modules on topics including Pathways to Success and Critical Decision Points. The I’m Determined Project site also includes downloadable tools that support the development of self-determination skills, informative videos for parents,… Read More Families – I’m Determined Project
How to Make Student-Led IEPs a Reality
Students should never be mere spectators during the IEP process. As educators, we must work to address any barriers that limit a student’s voice from being at the forefront. (Biegun, Peterson, McNaught, & Sutterfield, 2020). When some of us hear the term student-led IEP, we might envision a student sitting at the head of the… Read More How to Make Student-Led IEPs a Reality
Using Gestural Responses to Engage and Educate Your Diverse Group of Learners
These are unprecedented times, and nowhere is this more apparent than in our public schools. Each district is responding differently: virtual instruction, face-to-face instruction, or a hybrid approach. With situations so varied, I would like to offer a versatile strategy that will work across teaching formats, across grade levels, across content areas, and across disability… Read More Using Gestural Responses to Engage and Educate Your Diverse Group of Learners
Reflections from the Field: How Teachers are Supporting Students with Significant Disabilities
Daniel Biegun, Ed.D. How can we continue to teach our students with significant disabilities while they are at home? Supports for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities is a resource that originated in Arkansas. It offers an organized list of lessons and resources that can be utilized at home during normal daily routines. We asked some… Read More Reflections from the Field: How Teachers are Supporting Students with Significant Disabilities