#2 Acknowledgement with Behavior Specific Praise Learning is nearly impossible without feedback. Being acknowledged for doing something well is always appreciated, but if you aren’t really sure what exactly you did that was so great, it’s very hard to replicate or do it again. When educators give feedback along with the acknowledgement, this allows the… Read More March Motivational Mondays
Effective Classroom Practices One-Pagers Hub
Physical Environment Click the above image to access – This resource defines Physical Environment and how it works, lists steps for implementation, examples, key considerations, a tool for checking fidelity of implementation, and other linked resources and information in an easy to digest one-page format. Procedures and Routines Click the above image to access -This… Read More Effective Classroom Practices One-Pagers Hub
Supporting Staff through Acknowledgment: Voice, Recognition, & Wellness
As educators, we know that students thrive in a safe, positive, nurturing learning environment. In the same way, it has become increasingly important to recognize that staff also thrive in a supportive community. Teacher retention is a critical problem facing education across our nation. Research clearly shows that a key factor in teachers staying or… Read More Supporting Staff through Acknowledgment: Voice, Recognition, & Wellness
Meaningful Mindset Shifts for Teaching, Learning, and Community
The way we view the world, education, our classrooms, and the students and families we serve is often influenced by numerous factors including the beliefs, values, and assumptions we have developed through our experiences and environments. We may often be unaware of them, yet they are one of the primary drivers of our actions. During… Read More Meaningful Mindset Shifts for Teaching, Learning, and Community
Mindset Shifts: Expanding our View of Acknowledgement
Taking an instructional approach towards behavior is critical when establishing supportive, consistent learning environments. However, while behavior specific praise is a powerful tool that helps to shape behavior in the classroom, viewing acknowledgement through a broader lens can truly transform classroom communities. Consider how simple and welcoming gestures can also serve as a supportive strategy… Read More Mindset Shifts: Expanding our View of Acknowledgement