#3 Formative Assessments Formative assessment is an evidence-based practice that allows teachers to gather low-stakes information, or data, to monitor students’ learning. In doing so, they can use this information to adjust their instruction to increase understanding and achievement. A critical element of formative assessment is providing timely, specific feedback to benefit students. There are… Read More March Motivational Mondays
March Motivational Mondays
#2 Acknowledgement with Behavior Specific Praise Learning is nearly impossible without feedback. Being acknowledged for doing something well is always appreciated, but if you aren’t really sure what exactly you did that was so great, it’s very hard to replicate or do it again. When educators give feedback along with the acknowledgement, this allows the… Read More March Motivational Mondays
Prompts and Prompt Fading for Building Independence
Think of a skill someone recently taught you. Maybe you learned how to use a new online IEP system, learned how to use your new phone, learned how to ski, or learned how to sew. Did the person teaching you model some steps? Give you pictures or diagrams? Provide supplemental verbal hints? Point to things… Read More Prompts and Prompt Fading for Building Independence
Literacy Literally
Have you ever wondered whether it is important to teach the underlying literacy vocabulary related to a new concept you are introducing to students? For example, is it important to fully define what a syllable is or for students to learn other literacy terms such as affix, fluency or punctuation? The answer is, yes! Being… Read More Literacy Literally
HLPs and EBPs and IEPs, Oh My!
So many acronyms and so little time! When these are all seen as separate or additional things to do, it can become overwhelming or, maybe, even scary (Oh my!). By looking at High Leverage Practices (HLPs) and Evidence Based Practices in Autism (EBPs) as a collection of helpful tools for implementing IEPs, they can become a… Read More HLPs and EBPs and IEPs, Oh My!