The Virginia Essentialized Standards of Learning (VESOL) are fairly new, so it can be tricky to find great resources. Since searching the internet for ideas can be time consuming, we are pleased to serve up this batch of links and ideas. Enjoy! VESOL Lesson Plans for T-TAC ODU In the spring of 2023, T-TAC ODU hired… Read More Free VESOL Resources
All Means ALL: The Virginia Literacy Act and Teaching Students with Complex Needs
Embracing a Holistic Approach The Virginia Literacy Act ensures every student in kindergarten to grade five will receive core literacy instruction based in scientifically based reading research and evidence-based literacy instruction and, every teacher will use evidence-based literacy curriculum, use student-level data to inform instruction and intervention, and participate in training on evidence-based literacy instruction…. Read More All Means ALL: The Virginia Literacy Act and Teaching Students with Complex Needs
Try These VESOL Lesson Plans that Promote Cross-Content Instruction
If you use the Virginia Essentialized Standards of Learning (VESOL) in your daily instruction, then it is likely that you are tasked with teaching multiple content areas to your class. Perhaps you are responsible for teaching Reading, Writing, Math, Science, and Social Studies to your students. Maybe you are part of a teaching team, where… Read More Try These VESOL Lesson Plans that Promote Cross-Content Instruction
Seven Super Ways to Update Your VESOL Instruction
Spring is here. We are in the final quarter of the school year and the VESOL testing window will soon be closed. This is a great time to try a new resource or teaching strategy. Consider the following ideas and pick one or two to try with your students. 1) Content Teaching Academy This June, James Madison University… Read More Seven Super Ways to Update Your VESOL Instruction
Innovative Strategies for VESOL Instruction
On January 18, 2023, T-TAC ODU hosted The VESOL Alliance at the Newport News Marriott. This unique professional learning event offered a range of high-interest sessions and free resources to over 80 attendees from across regions 2 & 3. Our expert presenters shared VESOL-referenced lesson plans that can be used to engage learners of all ages. If you were not able… Read More Innovative Strategies for VESOL Instruction
New Finds in the TTAC ODU Lending Library
The TTAC ODU Lending Library has a collection of books and educational materials that educators and parents can borrow to learn more about specific educational topics and strategies. Educators can borrow assessments and assistive technology devices to trial the item with their student(s). Most items in the library can be borrowed for 30 days and… Read More New Finds in the TTAC ODU Lending Library
Integrated VESOL Instruction: Creating Lessons that Address Multiple Content Areas
As we enter the second year of VESOL (Virginia Essentialized Standards of Learning) instruction, there is a better understanding of how to prepare great lessons that set our students up for success. Yet, a few questions remain. One of the most common questions coming from educators is- How do I find time to teach reading, math, AND science… Read More Integrated VESOL Instruction: Creating Lessons that Address Multiple Content Areas