At the start of a new school year, educators focus on building a strong foundation by cultivating learning environments that promote safety, belonging and student engagement. Research has shown that specific classroom practices that are leveraged to build school connectedness and trusting relationships during the first few weeks of school contribute to improvements in academic… Read More Back to School Basics: 5 HLPs to Ensure a Successful Start
High Leverage Practices: Updated Resources for Administrators and Staff
High-leverage practices can improve instruction and result in better outcomes for students who struggle, including students with disabilities. Teachers who master these practices can engage in complex instructional practice and collaborations. These resources will support leaders as they design professional development opportunities to introduce and improve high-leverage practices in special education and encourage conversations about… Read More High Leverage Practices: Updated Resources for Administrators and Staff
Does Your Early Childhood Program Have the Foundation to Implement Inclusive Practices?
As Virginia continues to build a unified early childhood system, additional opportunities exist for children with disabilities to attend regular early childhood classrooms. When building inclusive classrooms, Early Childhood (EC) and Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) practitioners must combine efforts to provide access, participation, and support to all children. In this context, “support” refers to the system-level… Read More Does Your Early Childhood Program Have the Foundation to Implement Inclusive Practices?
MTSS at a Classroom Level: 4 Considerations
Classroom teachers everywhere are facing challenges related to academic skill gaps, as well as an increased number of students needing social/emotional/behavioral support (Office for Civil Rights, 2021). The narrative to which teachers ascribe, and the approach they take to providing supports, may be critical to their own feelings of competence and confidence (i.e. teacher efficacy… Read More MTSS at a Classroom Level: 4 Considerations
Transition Resources for Educators
It is never too early to begin preparing youth for their next stage in life, whether it be the workforce, trade school, college studies, or other community-based options. We are pleased to share the following resources and professional learning opportunities to support transition planning for your students. T-TAC ODU Lending Library Our free lending library… Read More Transition Resources for Educators
Doing What Works: Five Evidence-Based Strategies to Specially Design Mathematics Instruction
When considering instructional activities for mathematics, teachers should focus on strategies that have evidence to support their effectiveness. The Virginia Department of Education, building on the work of the Institute for Education Sciences (IES), has identified five evidence-based strategies to specially-design mathematics instruction: 1. Explicit Instruction 2. Formal Mathematical Language 3. Concrete, Representational, and Abstract… Read More Doing What Works: Five Evidence-Based Strategies to Specially Design Mathematics Instruction
Spring into using a Document Camera
Spring has sprung and many opportunities to learn using manipulatives abound. Teachers share flowers, bugs, leaves, and more. Technology, such as a document camera can help teachers provide learning activities for students in class and virtually. Document cameras provide a large screen view of the materials and manipulatives presented by the teacher. This can increase… Read More Spring into using a Document Camera