One of the most powerful teaching and learning practices is providing specific, timely feedback (Hattie, 2008). Feedback can take the form of acknowledgement and praise or error correction to help guide learners in strengthening new skills. This week’s post and accompanying module focuses on best practices for respectful, dignified, and effective error correction. The linked… Read More Effective Classroom Practices to Get Ready for the New School Year: #4 Feedback for Growth: Error Correction
Effective Classroom Practices to Get Ready for the New School Year: #3 Engaging Students in Learning: Opportunities to Respond
Providing multiple opportunities to respond (OTRs) is a practice that allows students many chances to actively participate in their learning, and also provides teachers frequent opportunities for formative assessment. It is important to consider providing both high rates for response (i.e. frequency), as well as providing variety. When considering frequency – how often students are… Read More Effective Classroom Practices to Get Ready for the New School Year: #3 Engaging Students in Learning: Opportunities to Respond
Effective Classroom Practices to Get Ready for the New School Year: #2 Scaffolding
Research shows that students who experience high rates of success remain engaged and the provision of scaffolding as an evidenced based practice helps maintain high rates of success as students learn new or challenging content (Dickson et al.,1998). Knowing this is a critical component of establishing an effective classroom system, educators can embed key elements… Read More Effective Classroom Practices to Get Ready for the New School Year: #2 Scaffolding
Effective Classroom Practices to Get Ready for the New School Year: #1 Procedures and Routines
As we embark on a new school year, most educators are planning to use a teaching matrix to develop and model expectations within the learning environment. Using a classroom matrix (Robbie et al., 2022, pg. 4) that aligns with the language of the school-wide matrix (Robbie et al., 2022, pg. 5) is critical for success…. Read More Effective Classroom Practices to Get Ready for the New School Year: #1 Procedures and Routines
Spring is Blooming with Opportunities: Resources and Trainings to Support Teachers and Teams
As summer quickly approaches and we begin planning for a new school year, here are a few professional learning opportunities and resources to consider that will help ensure your staff is ready and equipped to provide high quality instruction in the months ahead. HLP Resources The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) is hosting a HLP… Read More Spring is Blooming with Opportunities: Resources and Trainings to Support Teachers and Teams
High Leverage Practices: Updated Resources for Administrators and Staff
High-leverage practices can improve instruction and result in better outcomes for students who struggle, including students with disabilities. Teachers who master these practices can engage in complex instructional practice and collaborations. These resources will support leaders as they design professional development opportunities to introduce and improve high-leverage practices in special education and encourage conversations about… Read More High Leverage Practices: Updated Resources for Administrators and Staff
HLPs and EBPs and IEPs, Oh My!
So many acronyms and so little time! When these are all seen as separate or additional things to do, it can become overwhelming or, maybe, even scary (Oh my!). By looking at High Leverage Practices (HLPs) and Evidence Based Practices in Autism (EBPs) as a collection of helpful tools for implementing IEPs, they can become a… Read More HLPs and EBPs and IEPs, Oh My!